Flickr was extraordinarily easy, at least in the basic mode. I can see how easy it would be to use this to share photos with family or to share info about the library. Random thoughts: This is a good way to "archive offsite" photos you would never want to lose in the event of a personal disaster such as a fire or flood. The idea that "someone" else holds my pictures makes me pause. Programs such as Flickr are very popular with my friends, especially those with children. I'm looking forward to trying some advanced features.
I chose to upload a photo that shows one of the students' favorite days in the library: Guitar Hero Tournament Day. As one of our celebrations during School Library Month, we have a Guitar Hero challenge. Earlier we select the five best players in the school. We set up two supersize screens with 5-channel sound. In one area, students can challenge one of our Guitar Hero Masters. In the other area, students can play against anyone. To participate, students pay a nominal fee, thus raising money for the library.
I'm pretty sure that if I think hard enough I'll find a way to relate Guitar Hero to reading and research. Until then, all I can say is that we do it because it is fun.
Tech question: Did most of you upload your photo from Flickr or from your hard drive?