Monday, August 18, 2008

Week 9, # 21 Podcasting

I thought I knew how to create and use podcasts--until this lesson. I've listened to Mugglecast, Grammar Girl, a Spanish cooking podcast and several others. I've created them to accompany visual displays and to post online. My students have made travelogues, public service announcements and Elizabethan-era newscasts. So far so good.

However, I was not as handy using Primetime Podcast receiver software to grab and play my podcasts. The documentation was weak and my intuitiveness wasn't intuitive. I'm still working my way through it.

In the meantime, I've decided two other methods are much easier. The first is bloglines. I went to the site of the podcast I wanted for my subscription. Click, click and it plays. I also find it easier to go to the site of my podcast and click on the episode I want to hear. Windows Media Player has it rolling in seconds. I had Legal Lad playing within a minute using both of the ways listed above.

Both podcastalley and yahoo podcasts have been useful to me in the past. Itunes has given me technical difficulties in the past so I've stayed away. Of the links you've listed on the CSLA wEB 2.0 page, the tutorials by Jason Van Orden are my favorite. He is quick, easy to follow and good at "chunking" the lesson into manageable pieces. He uses Audacity software, which we also use at our school.

For YALSA's podcast page, go to and click the RSS feed button to subscribe.

I'd like to hear more about how others are using podcast aggregators with classes.