Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Yummy, Or Delicious or something like that

If you have been seeing this message for over a day...." What? It could take more than a day to import bookmarks? Other than that first scare, was a useful site. I imported my bookmarks, added the popular tags and added the delicious (I just can't keep typing those periods)button to my browser.

I've tried Delicious in the past but didn't have the time/motivation to stick with it. The biggest use for me personally is to have my bookmarks available whenever/wherever I go. Having school bookmarks at home would simplify life (without the hassle of exporting/importing.

I could use delicious to prepare bookmarks for a class or assignment. I would create an account for the assignment or class, then add what I wanted. Students could also add, or maybe I should have them create all the bookmarks from the beginning.

Tagging could get students thinking critically about searching and word use.

I'm going to have to simmer these ideas & think of the drawbacks or concerns.

1 comment:

lamslibrarylady said...

I like to use Mister Wong as my bookmarking tool. One of the reasons I went with MW was the fact that it was not filtered out at our school. For some reason delicious is. My bookmarks for my library are at This tool is easy to use. I love it. Now whenever I find something useful I add it to my favorites and to MW at the same time. It doesn't take long to load or import either. I used to place all my websites on my library site but it was too much work. This has saved me tons of work!